
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


You had no right to ruin my day!  WHEN'S THIS GONNA STOP?!!


I still feel the tingly feeling from my dad!!  D:'

Picture of Me


I remember last night stressing I didn't do anything who cares.. but they are treating me meanly.  What was so bad?  I thought I just messed up with my dad bothering me.


My dad is a serious, normal guy!  You all wanna rub him in when I'm the 1 who deserves to shine as a person.

The Other Way Around

Already, I am not trusted, so I cannot turn in my parents, but I will talk about it with my therapist today.

Part of me wants to believe..

.."nonentity" was an okay word.  I said it was an accident.  There's nothing ^fascinating^ about it.  My dad was putting pressure on me, and so did the ^victim..^

Saying Things

Some people like to bring a topic up outfront just to say they did it and have needs concerning it..  What about coming in halfway and saying there I said something?

IMDb - The Soapbox

Re: comment that demonstrates why feminism is against womens rights

It depends on who the woman is and how good she is at being like a guy.


It's all over!

I can't believe this..

..these kids go in and make it sound tacky and find they can bring forward in public that sometimes people touch me and it's not my dad.


I can't stop feeling from how my dad hurt me.  He was bothering me in the car.  No matter how wrong you wanna think I am, you can't just go all out and do this all the time.  And this is all the time right now.  I need something to look forward to and to conduct my life.  I feel very stubborn and not a lot like smiling for a bit long of a while.


Chloë Sevigny

Engagement Ring

Like Johnny Depp with Amber Heard is Chloe Sevigny with her bf. Most people in life need a definitive partner, that or she is actually becoming a homemaker type personality. I dunno, please write compliments below-

I am so happy for her! Perhaps, she'll have a baby. Guess she is gonna have a nanny.

I don't believe in marriage.


I already posted that I wish Chloe to be happy and have kids .. guess she's the dark-hair type.  As someone plagued with dark hair, would someone care to explain?  Most married people, not saying who, are off their rocker..  I'm thinking of like celebs.  And maybe people who are divorced now.  She seems more interested in the boy and has few fans if you take a look online.  It's no wonder people right and left are dumping you for a h*********** experience.  People do that as early as junior high, I know.  I am interested to watch her as she progresses in her interests.  I'm guessing the interests won't coincide with me.  She just wants to be popular, like Karen Carpenter et al.  I don't think I've said anything at least not technically bad.  Let me explain about being popular - I don't remember what made me say those words, but it was a reason that made sense.  Me saying this no ont cares cuz they know my race.  And again yes I hope she does get married and have kids soon.  I don't know anything about him, but she's good enough for him.  No offense..


Chloe Sevigny


My blog has not been letting me import another blog.


..that's not the same as me doing it when I'm calm, or does everyone have to have their own way?


If someone did something to me, and I did something by accident..what did I get away with?  You can't do something wrong to me, on purpose then.  Wow, I'll wind up in jail at this rate.  And, I'm not the 1 who started ^saying things^.  You were all annoying me and were not able to stop.

Bothering Me, Again

I didn't do anything!  Who cares?

IMDb - The Soapbox

What's your racial average?

10 - French|Jewish|English
9 - Norwegian|Dutch|Swedish|Danish|Russia
8 - German|Irish|Scottish|Welsh|Finnish
7 - Switzerland|Austria|Polish|Czech|Slovakia|Spanish
6 - Italian
5 - Northeastern & Southeastern Europe
4 - Middle Eastern & Far Eastern
3 - Asian|Native American indian
2 - African
1 - Mixed Race

Add up the percentage time the points and add them up! Or just copy and paste each line that applies to you! Ellen DeGeneres is all the top except she's also German and Irish and possibly other things like Dutch.

More Suggestions

So, people think all the cool stuff will literally go to others and are trying to push me away from my life.  How is that worthy?

Will Not Accept

People come in and say I know in the end you want me to pay after helping me.  That doesn't mean you get it all cuz you're upset @ your mom being born before 1950.

Picture of Me

I don't care..

..if I don't have kids.  I won't let you all bother me OR my kids.


Someone online English approached me that my kids weren't worth it cuz they were jealous.. and he won't stop insisting in the background that's what it is.  And these kids are part English!

Are you jealous?

If I had a kid I'd make sure she was always stimulated with white hair and white skin..

If I get a good boy, then I won't.


So, it's a big deal!


And it's something she'd like.  She thinks it's not the real thing, but it is.  She's also attractive so really hot.  Just look at her early pix as a tot.  That was good, but then she went to school.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Let's have some fun - Ellen as a kid was like on alcohol..

..probably the French last name coupled with her mom's A.Jewish last name.

What I mean is French kids had alcohol and alcohol means drunk.

She probably got drunk over being Jewish from her mom's maiden name!

My Mom

She was a good mom, just not always treating me.  Maybe, she wanted me to be on my own, but kids got antsy that adults like how I behaved.  Now, it's nothing.  She did raise me good in a lotta ways.  So, it's not like I'd trade her for different advantages I know of and also I care about her and our relationship.  It's just that she doesn't spend quality time with me and knows I like being a different race, though people aren't as nice to me if I have problems cuz I'm not really ALL Chinese, like her..  Why can't I just have gotten the attention?  What's wrong with my dark hair?  ^What^ did I do that's so detestful, acted like I was a fairy or slick being?  Rather than a more heavyset ^real^ person?  And in the end became a fat fairy??

So what?

Am I gonna get back at every kid who didn't have to deal with my dad and got away with it?!!!


A girl looked like the slick-fixed body of Bella Thorne with the same kind of red hair style. I thought I used to be slick, and then suddenly they talked about how I was a nigger.  Then, it was about things of the past that weren't perfect and not your fault!  Not gonna be popular like that.  Now, she had something to say!  Passive aggressive and got away with it.  My life has become nutty.





Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Something evil came over me.  I do care about Asians, but some of them are hateful to me when I am HALF ASIAN.

You know..

..just the other night I decided not to accept any racial jokes against me to appease and break the ice, I knew what was up.  I forget what.


I wonder if my m********ing is as bad as people who die from smoking.  I saw a commercial and am not sure how the lady looked as shriveled as an alien and talked like through a tube it sounded.  Drinking can get you in prison but not necessarily.


My aunts act out like they're on top of what's new.  I wasn't allowed to display grumpiness and anger as I walked about a room full of people.  My dad even looks disgusted in his ^gorgeous^ family.  No question about where he comes from with this.

Party Girl

I just was a GOOD GIRL!!!!


It makes sense.  There's nothing to talk about, except that I must read into a hot climate and am white.  Guess you can't get over I'm white, some people.  So, if not, tell me why again ancestors make all the difference?


Did we hurt someone we care about??


I'm only from the South.  They wanna act like I know nothing.

Watching TV

I was upset watching TV because I'm in a bad mood, and it seems my aunts think they are both an attractive team that outdoes me as a person.  Maybe, I need women's clothes, now.  There's just a different way it fits.  Junior clothes are all baggy and shaped funny.

Another Message

Audubon Zoo likes Europeans but not Chinese who look white?  How am I supposed to not post this?  I don't care if you meant it okay in some way.

1stly, mostly, lastly

1stly, my mom doesn't go skin deep.  2ndly, I don't get to enjoy the racial purity I get from her.  3rdly, it's time to rebound my dad for treating me like he's a girl.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Re: Are you up for a sequel to 'The Goonies'?!

This is something of the nature of what Tim Burton does as a film director..


I still feel that invading tingly feeling in my pants, which are wet.. and I'm running outta shaving cream.

IMDb - The Soapbox

That just reminds me that as a kid, my parents don't exactly have sex with me. So, when you cling to them, it doesn't feel like sex. When you get older, your parents like to poke at you and say they can do whatever they want and not be told they mess up.


I wasn't the 1 who wanted my parents to hurt me.  Don't others hurt me like that?  Why would they not like people who do the same thing they do?  They don't fight them.  They aren't burdened with other kids with the same problem.

Also, these phonies and con artists have nothing to offer us.  They just say they do.  Let's just keep going.  Who knows, maybe one day you'll run into someone like that, which is exactly what you want, isn't it?  I must admit I seem to want more and so do others.  Not sure about giving up on things.  That would seems silly.


My dad was trying to stimulate me like Ellen, and she has no right to be mad at me.


You just can't stop, can you?


may or may not post

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Not Nice

You can't just assure that you know I'm 1/2 Chinese.  Go around and have everyone leave little droppings like Easter candy.


My dad is getting home late.. it's interesting, but I dunno I'll be looking at the clock as the night wears on.


Looks like you're clean outta luck.


I don't like this perversion.  I got another ^message^..  Looks like Audubon Zoo is supporting this perversion, as well.. wish I could illustrate it.  I just put it closer up on my Twitter.  1 problem, they will bother me if I talk about this stuff.


They won't leave me alone.  I can't just sit here and take this.


Also, why is it thought that someone is with me I don't want like that now?


So, why would someone call me half Japanese?  It was very insulting.  I don't want this to be able to be a true feeling.  It is!  You wanna be stimulated like you're Japanese?

What I Found

No one wants to be their parents cuz we all have faults.

I thought..

..Ellen DeGeneres has met people.  Do you think her cutesy fake way of taunting and teasing is really that impressive?  Cute?  She seems to deal well with ^real problems^, but sometimes it's not so fun.  I am being blamed for things I didn't do and felt bad for ^what happened^ that I did.  You think cursing to yourself on your personal blog, it will be better 1 day and it doesn't matter.  It just adds up.  I don't curse at people.  I stopped, again, but if something was really funny I'd curse, like online or 1 on 1, for example..


..are you inserting my dad in my personal life like I want him there like that?  I am not my dad.  I am not anyone but me.  I don't even know if it'd be fun to say I'm my own dad.

I mean why.. why, why, why?!

I think I know why, but you are wrong.  It's the same with siblings.  I am very different from most people.

So what do you like?

Nessum Dorma or O Mio Babbino Caro


Nations Disability fights for your rights like the hint of who should not be on pills.

Picture of Me

Monday, April 21, 2014

How I Think

I wonder if people really care what I think on the inside.  I realized I needed to try to be or act calmer, what I think when I'm about for when I'm in private.


My dad saw me as a strong person.

New Video of Me Talking


It's different.  I could feel the fairness shelling off into like infinitely tiny little particles, like I couldn't feel appropriately.

What I Wish I Did in High School and College

Year 1
1 - English II (G)
2 - Geometry (G)
3 - Biology I (H)
4 - Career Orientation | Civics
5 - PE
6 - Foreign Language I
7 - Talented Art

Year 2
1 - English III (APG)
2 - Algebra II (G)
3 - Chemistry I (H)
4 - World History (H?)
5 - Foreign Language II
6 - Talented Art
7 - Talented Music - Singer

Year 3
1 - English IV (APG)
2 - Advanced Math | Trig (APG)
3 - American History (H|APG)
4 - PE | Health
5 - Free Enterprise |
6 - Talented Art
7 - Talented Music - Singer

Clubs|Acitivities: Ballet, Drama
Hobbies: Piano, Organ

College - Singing + Ballet @ Loyola University New Orleans (Hopefully, the professors won't seem to be picking on me, like for being involved in selling myself (there.))

Career - Film Actress (with a TV show etc. online on my website|blog)


I guess Ellen is for teenagers.  She has teenagers come up usually and poor adults.  I mean, it's okay what they do.  Me, I felt picked on for feeling shy.

Mobile Later

may or may not post

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New Video of Me Talking

Picture of Me

Just What I Meant

All I did was bow down to younger kids and the older Ellen DeGeneres.  Some people wouldn't get it wasn't for myself I had that message|opinion.


Why for some people do you just pick on us if we're good and get what we want to balance it out?  Like, you think bad people are sad, so you should take things out on us that hurt us and you get hurt easily yourself.


Leftover Chinese

Cooking tomorrow's breakfast - potatos, eggs, cheese.

Did my floor workout.  Now may shower.

The excitement

is making me thinner.


About if you're mad at people who have a better life than you supposedly via living in or being born in Florida.

Kids Today

Dramatic and put on a scene.  I'm sorry, are you feeling a little sensitive cuz you're not talking right to me.


I'm dieting.

I threw up again last night.


Ellen gets so tickled about acting and getting out of her skin.


They can't even get a handle on yes I listen to music, often classical.. I find successful and it helps me outperform others.

Kids Today

Brats!  Like listen to opera before 2005.  They think oh yea that's all it is, but it's like a big thing, but it's bad..  I mean like teens.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Does any place in the U.S. say give you a tickle?  New Orleans is incredibly European.  They just want you to be ready, but how can you be?

So, why do they get mad if it brings more emotion to us?


If you complain, then you should let someone else do what you do.

Also, I see it would no longer be fun for me to visit.  I was being bombarded with like that New Orleanians were better and was thinking like, "Hey, there!"  And now I see there's a problem there.  That person just broke off all dramatic like she ^was some thing^.


I think people need to stop ousting people with less heritage from the past in their family in New Orleans who are New Orleanian in heritage partly.  You shoulnd't tell them to be less New Orleanian than you.  Why do you fuss at me?  I was good.

The Straw That Broken the Llama's Back

I am very careful, and when I have 1 little question people want me to call anything going for me quits, just like that, like I'm bad, and others have it easy.


People treat me like I'm bad all the time, but I'm always treated badly.  My thoughts often snap, but sometimes I do, too.


No one would dare say I'm not good enough for someone.  The answer would be some technical differentiation.


The world has been unnecessarily stressful and rebellious since Tim Burton!


Ellen can answer what to do because the answer would be she is successful as a talk show host.

Another thought, my dad seems to want me to think I'm shit and tortures and annoys me otherwise.  You people need to be careful.  I slept with crime shows on all night.  I know the nature, now.

Also, let me remind you once again that I said something complicated and you took it the wrong way and I see bits of it all over, which isn't stimulating f.y.i.

I'm not sure why you would be mad at me for poor writing skills when I mean no harm.  That's rude.  You can keep your attitude to yourself and others who are interested.

Someone inform me.

I have a friend who weirdly acted like suddenly she had to be better than me just cuz her parents are European.  She had a theory that you are like your parents, and if you seem worse then that means the other person is really worse than you, in turn.  Everyone also thinks they bring out in me an evil spirit when I was always quiet and obedient and now the people who were in trouble are no longer in trouble.

I am being attacked.  I will not accept people telling me things like they have something to discipline.  You look me up and irritate me like you know something I don't.  You are doing it trying to arouse and stimulate me, too.  You just keep going like it makes you look good!  You wanna be one of those flashy parents to someone who is already mature.  What happens is I'm fine, I've apologized if I did something.  Then, that's when it starts.  Something is brought up.  So, it wasn't me if ever hardly.

I said something about someone that I didn't mean in a way it was interpreted.  Guess they found something inappropriate, like they invented some contest where they can be meaner to me than to others.

I cannot believe people who go behind my back to tell me they are teaching me a lesson for something I didn't do and don't go back.  They just say oh it's okay, it means something else.

If you're ^the one^ who gets all the pleasure and glory, then what are you doing saying you're there for us if we don't feel the pleasure and glory over you?  I'm young enough to be that way, but I'm not, I'm also older.

Also, people are incredibly cruel to me for little slips when I'm so nice and perfect in attitude.  I am suffering a lot, now.


may or may not post

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